Help our Egg become Hardboiled!

Play the demo version above or here if above doesn't work (demo ends after completing the Forest Level), or download the full version below (only compatible with Windows, for now).

Instructions to Download: 

1. Download the zip folder below (only compatible with Windows, for now).

2. Extract the files from the zip folder.

3. Click on the Get Boiled.exe file to play - if the Microsoft Defender SmartScreen appears asking if you want to run this file, run it to play the game.

* For updates, download the zip folder again and extract the files, and replace the old files with these new files.

*Last updated: April 2023

*Note: This is the first game I've ever made. If you notice any errors or have recommendations, please contact me at

*Music Credit: Yojo Summer, HeatleyBros,


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